0 services selected 1 service selected
Gradually fading hair down from desired length on top to a grade 0 and below on the back and sides.
Skin Fade
40 minutes, £23.00
This is not available with the selected services
Services Skin Fade
40 minutes, £19.00
Childs Skin Fade (Under 14)
Any length ranging from an all over scissor cut to the clippers on the back and sides (any grade from an 8 down to a 0.5) blended into desired length on top.
Classic Cut
20 minutes, £22.00
Seniors Cut (65 & Over)
20 minutes, £16.00
Childs Cut (Under 14)
20 minutes, £18.00
Services Classic Cut
Clippers all over (no scissor work). Any Grade from grade 8 down to a 0.5.
Grade All Over
20 minutes, £17.00
Shape Up Only
10 minutes, £7.00
Beard Trim
15 minutes, £9.00
A small section of hair shaved with clippers.
Ladies Under Cut
5 minutes, £9.00
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